Expected results

Benefits for the participating companies

PyroD project moves within the framework of the Roadmap for a resource-efficient Europe, the European policy “Waste-to-Energy” and the recent National Waste Management Plan. These policies aim to minimize the waste produced by anthropogenic activities and promote the finding and implementation of alternative management methods to ensure the sustainable use of natural resources.

The successful implementation of the project and its main objectives is expected to lead to new materials (biochar and activated carbon) but also to the development of an integrated system and related process to increase biomethane efficiency in anaerobic digestion plants and reduce operating costs related to processing improvers. The proposed technology aims at transforming the waste of these units (solid digestate residue) into high-added-value materials that can be used directly within the AD unit to enhance energy production while reducing operating costs while at the same time being commercially usable as soil conditioners and adsorbents respectively.

Benefits for the participating companies: Improvement of the operation of the biogas units. Optimum operating conditions will help stabilize the AD process, improving several operational parameters and the general operation of the units, thus reducing the risks arising from the use of chemical additives and process improvers. Improved digested residue. With the efficient operation of the units and the increased production of biogas, an improved digested residue has been produced, resulting in the reduction of the risk of nitrate pollution. Circular Economy Model. PyroD is an excellent example of the Circular Economy in action, which will be able to take advantage of the education structures with all the socio-economics that are created. Environmental Protection. The previous way of processing the digested residue created environmental problems that will be eliminated as they will also result from the reduction of tanker movements, as it is no longer necessary to distribute the entire volume of solid digested residue produced over a long radius of action (> 30km) according to with the European directive on nitrogen pollution 676/1991/EEC (reduced carbon footprint). Increase job opportunities. To improve the performance of the biogas units, as well as the optimal operating conditions, highly specialized personnel, will work. This project employs experienced as well as young researchers (postdoctoral and PhD candidates), for whom there will be a prospect of permanent employment.

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